It has been a while since I've blogged about anything that's been going on. Well that's because nothing has been going on in my end. Just been working, cleaning and basically just been researching on projects I'm interested in doing. It has been a chilly winter and its going to get colder according to the weather girl. Brrrr!!!
For the past month, I've been collecting toilet paper roll for 2 projects I had in mind and mind you, I had weird looks and comments from the husband and from our housemate when I told them to NOT throw the toilet paper rolls away! This will be one project that will be good since it will be indoor and away from the cold! I'm waiting on my art table (which is actually our trestle table we stored away at my MIL's house but I like to be fancy!) to arrive so I could start.
At this point you are probably wondering, "Why don't you just use an office table or a dining table?" So here is the story. My husband bought this apartment a year before we met and well, being the bachelor that he was, he didn't think that getting a dining table or an office table would make any sense. Hes got a coffee table to eat off and a trestle table (which is the one that's being stored away) for his turntables and he's all good! So after we got married, I moved to Sydney and slowly we are decorating the apartment. FYI, furnitures are NOT cheap here in Sydney! And it was then I found my passion for DIY and interior designing. So we used the trestle table for our Sydney wedding and we kept it at my MIL's house since it was quite a hassle to bring it home. A month after the wedding, we went to Ikea and got a new table for the turntables and decided, we don't have space to put the trestle table in the apartment. Now we do so that will be my temporary art/office table. Well once it gets here that is.....
So here are 2 pictures of the projects I had in mind. Of course I will put my own little twist in it. I will definitely put up step by step pictures when I do it. If you decide to do it, then you at least have a picture guide.
|| flowers on canvas ||

|| pen holder ||