6 Feb 2014

Courtyard Overhaul Part 1

Hubs and I have always planned to transform our mini courtyard into an outdoor chill out~herb garden area. Years pass and the only thing we ever did was put out some plants. Good progress! {not really because the plants died} So one day I decided to just get up and do it! Told hubs, one weekend we are going to Ikea and getting an outdoor shelving unit I've been looking at to put our herb garden. I wanted to start small and work our way up from there, so imagine my surprise when hubs started grabbing some outdoor furniture and added to the pile! So we got the LACKO shelving unit and 3 ARHOLMA corner section seats along with the seat cushion, of course.

Now, what I'm going to reveal next is possibly the one thing that I would never EVER say out loud. Our car {sigh} Our car is small, old and just...old. Still gets us from point A to point B, so we are just gritting our teeth for now till we get a new car. Hopefully. Anyways, small car + 4 massive boxes + 3 seat cushions = our car looking like an overstuffed taco with an extra Mrs. Williamson stuffed in there somewhere.

|| my feet ||

Took us an hour playing Tetris but we finally got it all in! Now all we have to do is drive carefully and pray that the police won't pull us over. The drive home takes about 20 mins, which at this point you might say, it's not that far. You're right. It's not. But it is far when you get car sick easily and can't move around much because you're stuck in a tiny itsy bitsy space and can't lie down and you have the edges of the boxes right at your head! Yup, it was bad.

~ Moving on. Only because talking about that experience is making me feel nausea now {even though I'm comfortably in bed} ~

So we got home and didn't waste a second in putting our new furniture together. Good thing hubs and I love DIY so it was no trouble for us to set it up. I would have liked to post a before and after picture but I forgot to take the before picture before setting up the furniture. Guess I was just too excited! So here is the end result ~

One day. Back to reality.

It's small but it's the perfect size for now. We had bought that bench and panel earlier from Ikea for the purpose of storing our fishing gears.

A high five, a big satisfaction sigh and a nice glass of vino. We finally took that small big step. Next, the herb garden!


14 Jan 2014

Organisation chaos!

Last weekend was quite a hectic weekend for us. I was still recovering from a week of flu, cough and fever. There was laundry, dishes and dust just piling up. And to top it off, hubs only informed me about his weekend plans on Thursday. yay. So I had to get up and soldier on with the cleaning, especially with the folding. And I loooooathe folding. But, it has to be done! Plus it was an opportunity for me to purge some of our clothes.

So where does one go to for organising and cleaning inspiration? Pinterest of course! And for those of you Pinterest virgins, let me pop your cherry! Pinterest is my inspiration board and it should be yours too. It is a place full of ideas and creativity! Like this tip on how to organise your closet. A good tip to start on! This folding tip helped me save LOADS of space. My aim is to one day have my dream wardrobe.


Next, we tackled the dishes and dust. As we are moving around, I got to thinking, we need a plan to organise our apartment better. Maybe get rid of some of the kitchen items we got lying around but never really use. So there I go, clickity clackity on Pinterest and voila! I found a few good pins to motivate us.

This plan focuses on one main task each month. It sounds small but it does make an impact. Which is what we need.

These projects gave me some ideas for our apartment.

This website has more ideas for our apartment. Score!

So there you go! Some ideas for you Pinterest virgins to start on. For others, a new years resolution for the home. I know these will keep me busy throughout the year! I would love to hear from you if any of these tips have helped you out in organising your home. It definitely has made a change to our home. Good luck!


5 Jan 2014

La Baguette Review

Today, even though I wasn't feeling well, I decided to try this cute little pastry shop, La Baguette, that we passed by a while ago. It's located in Crows Nest, a suburb close to ours so it wasn't a far walk. Plus it was a beautiful day for a walk.

We ordered and even though there wasn't much on the menu, the smell of the fresh pastries was too tempting to not try. They had very beautiful decor. We ordered baked eggs and beans and a toastie and of course our coffee. Coffee was Campos and even though I use to work at a cafe that served Campos, and had a bad experience with it, this coffee was not half bad. Although the barista should know how to put the sugar in the coffee when I order my Flat White with one sugar.

The food is definitely something to rave about. IT IS TASTY! I was tempted to order more after my toastie, there was a variety of quiches, cakes and tarts. And oh, how I love my sweets and savouries! But I decided to be smart and not eat with my eyes {hardest thing I had to do}

But in every pro, there is always a con. It was a hot day and there wasn't any ceiling fans to keep us comfortable. And to make matters worse, the water was not cold. There was an open roof so it was like sitting outside with the beautiful sun shining down on us but again, it was a VERY hot day and by the time I finished my coffee, I was sweating buckets.

Overall, I would rate this place 7/10. Would definitely come back again for the food and environment. Just need to wear comfortable clothes and not sit under the sun.


4 Jan 2014

Happy New Year!

First off, I would like to acknowledge that it has been 2 1/2 years since my last post and I do apologise for that. A lot has happened.

Another niece || visited family in Malaysia || had one of the best holidays with hubby and sister || swam with a whale shark || went back to my old job || quit that job || decided to try for a baby || Christmas || celebrated new years || got a better job || redid apartment || got a new couch || cousin and BF flew in to visit || sister and cousin flew in to visit || met and hugged Henry Cavill!!!! || went whale watching || vowed I will never go whale watching ever again || annual family visit in Malaysia || Christmas || celebrated new years || now, here we are.

Hubby really overdid himself last Christmas. I've been telling him that for Christmas, I was thinking of treating myself to a new a laptop since I've been working at Magnolia Jewellery. Specifically the Macbook Air because well, it's light, small and perfect for teeny weeny me! Well let's just say that I got a MASSIVE surprise from hubby Christmas eve. He had gone and bought me one. 

Hence this post. I've got a new toy to play with and to update my blog more often. Yay! 2013 was a great year. Heres to an awesome 2014! *clinkclink*
