July 16th 2011 - the day I turned 30. To be honest, I thought I would have rolled around, cried and screamed "Why God? Whyyyy?!?!?!?!" But instead, I faced the day with a smile and a kiss from hubs and Moe. Turning 30 ain't so bad. I wonder why most women make such a big deal about turning the so called "big 3-0". Hubs took me out for a nice Spanish dinner and drinks after. He organized a get together with friends a week later. It was just another birthday.
Throughout my life, I have been through the good, the great, the bad and the worse.I've worked hard, quit because I didn't want to work, got fired because I didn't work, lazed around because I had no job, struggled to get money, starved because I had no money, pigged out when I had money, went through bad relationships, had great relationships, had my heart broken, broken a few hearts, screwed up a friendship, mended a friendship, learned who were my true friends, learned who was my true enemy, gained weight, lost weight, moved out of parents house, moved back in to parents house, lost my father, grandma and aunt, and most important of them all, I married my one true love.
From all this experience ( and lots more ) I have learned that even though I don't have much to show for now, I have found stability, love, courage and more in my friends, family and hubs. Turning 30 and looking back, I don't regret anything I've done, and I sure as hell am not going to slump around, whinging about turning 30. I've had a great life and I'm going to continue having a one. So I'm still baffled as to why women still complain. Well whatever the reason may be, I reckon that everyone should just be celebrating each birthday, no matter at what age, knowing that with each year that has passed, they have achieved something and have had special memories to cherish. We should be celebrating! Not contemplating or regretting.
Can I hear a "Woot Woot!"?
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